• Applications will only be accepted for pitches selling different goods to those already booked.
• Pitches are grouped into 4 single back to back pitches, with two open sides for sales.
• All trade pitches are located on level grass.
• Pitch holders need to bring their own gazebo and weights, tables and chairs.
• Temporary Demountable Structures - All built structures are required to be fit for purpose, weighted down effectively and not pose any H&S risks to the public or stall holders in attendance – especially in poor weather conditions. If deemed unsafe on inspection you will be asked to take it down.
• Pitch area is 3m x 3m. Double pitches (3m x 6m) are available on request.
• Arrival can be anytime from 08:30 – Please ensure arrival allows enough time to find your allocated pitch, unload, move car and be ready for gates to open at 11:00. Please inform us of your estimated time of arrival at your earliest convenience.
• It is expected that all pitch-related vehicles are removed offsite or to the pitch-related parking area located behind the funfair by 10:30. The show finishes at 20:30 - Pitch holders can trade until then if they choose, but you are also welcome to pack up to enjoy the music, or leave, any time after 17:00. Please be aware that vehicles parked in pitch-related parking will not be permitted to move onsite before 17:00 and without marshal supervision. Vehicle movement at entrance/exit of Jubilee Park is supervised by EA-CAT. On exit please locate a member of the Event Team/Marshall to supervise a safe departure. Limit speed to under 5mph, hazards on and travel within designated driving zones. If you require an accessible parking space in Pavilion Car park please alert Ellie Hutchinson.
• Vehicle movement is supervised by EA-CAT. Please do not leave without a Marshall directing you.
• All pitches booked and paid for by 1st April 2024 will be listed in the Show programme
On receipt of your payment, your business will be advertised on www.rendleshamshow.co.uk. Please note, you only have one opportunity to go on the website, help us get it right first time by providing all the right information at the time of submission. Please send the below listed information:
o 1 photo (clear logo or a photo that best represents your pitch in PNG or JPEG)
o 100 words to best describe your pitch (word count not including title)
o Social Media, email and website links
We are building on the shows fresh new look as the Rendlesham Country Show. You are welcome to ignore, or join in with the theme but, character dress and/or themed stalls/activities are most welcome!
Scale of charges:
Charity/Village Group (with no sales) – no charge
Charity/Village Group (with sales) – £15
Rendlesham address: Hobby Business – £25 / Registered Business – £35
Other addresses: Hobby Business – £30 / Registered Business – £45
* Please note if you require a double pitch the relevant scale above will be doubled *
You will not be listed on the Show website until payment has been received and booking confirmed.
All payments must be completed by 1st April 2024.
You will not be listed on the Show website until payment has been received and booking confirmed – Please use reference provided.
Payment can be made via BAC’s to:
Rendlesham Parish Council 60-83-01 20296276
Or at the Parish Council Offices located in the Rendlesham Community Centre, Walnut Tree Avenue, IP12 2GG
By post:
Events Coordinator
Rendlesham Parish Council
Walnut Tree Avenue
IP12 2GG